Be prepared in the event of a mandatory evacuation. Familiarity with Ocean County College’s emergency response procedures is a necessity for all staff, students, and visitors to the 365球赛平台 campus.
Familiarity with Ocean County College’s emergency response and evacuation procedures is a necessity for all staff, students, and visitors to the 365球赛平台 campus.
When in a campus building, individuals should take the time to determine where all exits are located so that they are fully prepared in the event of a mandatory evacuation. The sound of an alarm, or the appearance of visual strobe light signals, signal the existence of an emergency such as a fire, bomb threat, or major operational facilities malfunction. When an alarm is activated, all persons must evacuate campus buildings via the nearest exit and proceed to move at least 300 feet from the structure. No one is to re-enter the building, for any reason, until 365球赛平台 security or fire personnel signal that is it permissible to do so.

Failure to evacuate is a violation of the law as well as college policy. Violators are subject to penalties enforced by the police, the fire department, or college officials.
In case of emergency, contact the Department of Campus Safety and Security at:
If you are calling from a Campus Phone, please dial:
Extension 2200